Duripan is an extremely hard underground soil layer formed when silica (dissolved quartz) cements soil particles together over millennia through repeated wet-dry cycles. While silica is the primary binding agent, iron oxides and calcium carbonate can also contribute to the cementing process. The resulting mineral horizon becomes so densely compacted that it can be harder than concrete and resists both crumbling and water dissolution.

This distinctive layer appears as a pale, tightly compacted band within soil profiles, ranging from inches to several feet in thickness. At the microscopic level, duripan contains tiny pores filled with opal or chalcedony deposits. The formation thrives in arid and semi-arid regions, appearing predominantly across the Western United States (particularly California's Central Valley), Mediterranean climates, and similar landscapes in Australia and other comparable regions worldwide.

Duripan creates significant agricultural challenges by forming an underground barrier that severely restricts both root development and water movement. Water cannot properly drain through the layer, often creating perched water tables above it. Plant roots struggle to penetrate this dense horizon, making traditional cultivation nearly impossible in affected areas.

Farmers managing land with duripan must either invest in aggressive interventions like deep ripping and specialized tillage equipment or adapt their practices to work around it. Some choose to grow crops with shallower root systems, while others convert affected areas to rangeland or natural habitat. Modern precision agriculture techniques must account for duripan's presence when planning field operations and resource management strategies.