I am at the same time notorious and obscure. I walk like a ninja, though I rarely need (or want) to. I have one of those faces that slips right out of your memory, and I'm practically invisible until I call attention to myself. Combined with my rather quiet nature this means I have a hard time getting service in restaurants.
When I grow up, I want to be unique, just like everyone else.
Spotted in catbox, 2 March 2005:
which gets my vote for most disturbing sentence ever to appear on e2.
Also from catbox, 11 March 2005:
<siouxsie> ASE--I think that Kensey stole my cat. Can you hang him? NOW? I'm going to take a bubble bath, so I can't stay for the trial, but if he was all dead and quiet when I got back--AWESOME. (grin) Kensey--I LOVE YOU.
followed by:
siouxsie says You DO know I'm kidding, right? Just for the record... (hugs)
Awwww... :)