Alright, you know how to produce output, do math, and you know
about Python's type system.
But here's the problem: all of the programs you currently know how to
write can only do one thing. You can write a program that does A,
then B, then C, but you haven't yet learned to write a program that
can do A, then, depending on the results of A, either B or C. That's
where this chapter comes in. If you want the Computer Science-type
official sounding terms for what this chapter is all about, the main
subjects here are if/then and branching, but there will be a small
diversion into the concept of scope as well.
But first, here's the big idea. You don't want to do the same
thing every time. You want to have a different behavior depending on
what the user inputs, what the file contains, what various functions
return, how big a number is after you multiply it... any condition,
really. The syntax for this behavior is:
if condition:
The above line is a
computer scientist's way of saying
if the condition is true,
then perform the actions. This notation
can be extended as well. We can for example add an "otherwise", also
know as an
else clause into the mix. This would give us:
if condition:
This translates into the english sentence:
if the
condition is true,
then perform the
otherwise perform the
Boy is this ever useful - now your code can do different things
based on the data you give it. You can test for equality, greater
than, less than, non-zero-ness, anything at all! Here's an example
that will illustrate the point:
name = raw_input("What is your name?")
if name == 'Jongleur':
print 'hey, you wrote this'
print 'Your name is', name
You can even make a (stupid) game!
number = 7
guess = raw_input("What number am I thinking of?")
if guess == number:
print "You got it!"
print "Sorry, I was thinking of", number
(Exercise for the reader: What does this "game" do?) (Another
Exercise: Why wouldn't you want to play this game more than once? Try
fixing that by using the randint(int, int) function in
the random library. This is pretty advanced, actually,
which means that this exercise is entirely optional, and the reward is
a gold star. Kind of like when your first grade teacher asks the
class to spell February.)
You can test anything for any quality, but some things only make
sense in particular contexts. This is an example of the type system at work. It makes sense, for
example, to check whether a string is equal to another string. It
makes very little sense to check whether a string is greater than or
equal to the floating point number 3.1415926535. You compare two
things for equality using the == operator, not the = operator. Note
that there are two equals signs here because only one equals sign
means "store the value in", and you want something that means "check
whether these two things are equal". This messes a lot of people up,
and a very common bug is to perform an assignment when you mean to
check for equality. Fortunately, Python catches this error, unlike a
lot of other programming languages
that don't. Strings are false when they are empty. This means that
the following code:
str = ""
if str:
print "str is true"
print "str is false"
will print out false. Similarly, uninitialized objects, arrays with a
length of 0, empty dictionaries, and closed files are all false. You
can use all of the comparison operators you learned about in school:
<=, >=, <, and > are all valid things to put in your
test clause. Using parentheses for
grouping and and,
or, and not you can chain conditions to make
huge conditions out of small ones. One example of this might be:
if ((1 < 2) and (4 < 3)) or (not (5 < 4)):
print "It all ended up as true"
print "it all ended up as false"
If the example above looks tortured and hard to follow, that's because
it is. Take it step by step and you should be fine. If you are
having trouble telling which statement will execute (which line of
code will get run), I recommend you code it up on your own and find
out! (The answer is pipelinked
here for the impatient) Play
around with these - if/then clauses are incredibly useful, and are
pretty fundamental, so you should be very comfortable with them before
you move on to the next chapter.
Speaking of moving on, I haven't yet dealt with scope yet. Scope
is the idea that not every bit of code can see every variable. At
first this seems counter-productive: "but what if I NEED that
variable?". I promise that as your programs grown in complexity, you
will be very thankful that this concept exists. The following code is
an example of code that uses scope to hide variables from areas that
need not know about them:
str = raw_input()
if str == "foo":
print "give me another string"
newstr = raw_input()
if newstr == "bar":
print "Be more original. Bad nerd puns are not valid input"
print "You input", str, "followed by", newstr
print "You input", str
This code doesn't do a whole lot, but you might imagine putting some
complicated stuff inside that if clause. Now, if you ever later
wanted to use newstr, you'll find that you can't! That
is because you only
declared newstr (that is, the first
line on which newstr is mentioned) is inside the
if statement. This means that the variable doesn't exist
outside of that statement. At first you might think of this as an
annoyance, but consider this: what if I could use newstr
later, but str was not equal to "foo"? newstr wouldn't
have any value set! It would be a
null object, and we wouldn't know
what to make of it. It just wouldn't make sense.
That logic of "it just wouldn't make sense" is the underpinning
idea of scope. You can think of the inside of a block (a CS major
fancy way of referring to a contiguous region of lines that are all
indented at the same level) as a little mini-program in itself. Once
that mini-program is done, all of the stuff that only it used is
thrown away. This means that newstr is undeclared, and
if you tried the following, you will get an error:
str = raw_input()
if str == "foo":
print "give me another string"
newstr = raw_input()
if newstr == "bar":
print "Be more original. Bad nerd puns are not valid input"
print "You input", str, "followed by", newstr
This is because of that scope thing again. Only the inside of the if
statement knows anything about newstr, so if we refer to
it outside of that scope, Python will barf. Like all code listings,
you are encouraged to try it to verify that I am not just blowing
So this chapter can be summed up as: If/then is a very cool and
useful thing, but it can make things tricky. It is, however,
essential to know how it works because every computer language has
something that acts like it, so no matter what you end up doing, it
will be relevant to understand.
The idea of code doing different things under different conditions,
will become even more relevant in the next section, where I will try
to explain how to do things more than once without writing the same
line over and over again.
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