Ok, for the average user, these changes can be ignored, but for the power user, who is looking for the gain in
MB/s, or anything else, give these serious changes a good look.
This is the most overlooked item on a mother board. Many believe performance gain is within the multiplier, but not so. Upping the
FSB increases the CPU clocks, and allows for higher performance.
If you notice a stability drop, try upping this. The AMD T-Bird is good for 1.85
V, but go to your make's Web Site and check for the optimal voltage.
Fast CPU Command Decode
If you have this, change it to
fast now! A major performance increase is in order if you do. So go log off, look for it, enable it, then come back and finish this write up.
CPU Drive Strength
Ah, flip this to 3 if your system is pretty stable. It could add a 5% gain to the mix.