E2 Magazine, May 2014

The Homestead

After a long, brutal winter spent huddling inside and filthing up one's hovel, a little Spring cleaning is certainly in order.

But one can only toil so long before needing a little recreation, and what better way to break the cabin fever than some much needed fresh food, and a little something to drink?

Cooking with Klaproth

When not savoring tender noderflesh, Klaproth enjoys the occasional baked treat. Springtime strawberry bread certainly qualifies, and brings us a fresh spring taste.

An ancient product of springtime, white tea is a traditional beverage enjoyed year round, but you may consider trying it iced and with a twist of orange.

Spring Spinach Salad, as alliterative as it is, is also alluring after a winter spent refusing to pay outrageous prices for imported greens.

The Gardens of E2

You may not have horses to hitch, or a plow for them to pull, but with a little ingenuity you can grow things just about anywhere.

In fact, Stuart's Garden is an excellent look at the long term efforts of one of our own in the pursuit of gardening.

Even without a suburban backyard of your own to tear up, you can start with a look at raised bed garden and continue on to the handy USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map for an idea of what to start planting.

It's a lot easier than you might think to grow more than just herbs and vegetables. You can even, as Growing Potatoes shows us, grow your own staples.

Eddie's Bar

We like to open spring up with a classic cocktail - the whiskey sour. Simple, refreshing, and easy to make.

Not quite as simple, and subject to debate and competition, is the Hurricane. A New Orleans classic, the recipe presented here will definitely take you where you need to go.

Anything based on Chartreuse is a sure bet of course, but in no particular order, you may also try:

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