An extra-legal organization whose aim is to promote the
Instrumentality Project. It was organized in
2010 by transferring
GEHIRN (the investigative
agency for this same Project) in its entirety to a new body. Its
headquarters are located in
Tokyo-3, but it is also an
international organization with branches in
Germany, the
US and other locations. Although outwardly it appears to be under the
jurisdiction of the
UN, in fact the UN has absolutely no influence over it, and it is under the command of
SEELE. Possessing multiple
Evangelion units, it is the only
combat force capable of countering the
Angels. However, its weak
anti personnel combat ability was exposed when it was attacked by the
JSSDF in episode 25' "
Source: The End of Evangelion : Glossary contained within The End of Evangelion - Theatrical Program.