Ng is also a popular
Chinese surname. Ng is
NOT pronounced
Ing Sweet
How do I pronounce it properly?
Ng is more of a sound than an utterance. Try humming with your throat for half a second and that's exactly what Ng is.
If you know what 5 is in Cantonese, that is also what Ng is.
So basically, Ng == "mm".
Other things about Ng as a surname:
- It is over 3100 years old.
- It corresponds to Wu, Woo in Mandarin or Ing, Ang in Anglicized Cantonese (otherwise known as bastardization).
Besides being a last name, Ng in Cantonese may mean:
5, as in the number.
Not, as in negation.
Might I add also that NG stands for No Good in Filming Jargon. It is synonymous to Blooper.
randir: kumain ng kanin?