Acronym and trading-name for Australia's New South Wales Road Maintenence Association, a member-owned organisation that provides a range of mororist services including roadside assistance, insurance, and advice. Widely respected and trusted. Took the decision to corporatise and float the insurance arm in year 2000, which is listed on the ASX as NIGL (NRMA Insurance Group Limited).

A (soon to be demutualised) mutual society of motorists operating mainly in NSW. They have the cheek to get indignant about petrol excise, when the Government and all major political parties have quite clearly said that it's their intention to discourage the use of fossil fuel. The members look set to make lots of money on the shares they will recieve upon demutualisation as they will probably end up valued very highly, depsite the fact that it's looking to be a dog of a company.

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