Today is my daughter's 30th birthday. So many memories, so much love. So many opportunities where I could have done better. Been trying to get my words together all day about this, and for whatever reasons they just won't come. The thoughts are there, just no words to share. Back on November 1, 2023, I mentioned my horoscope for the month of November, and for today the stars said it would bring nostalgic and harmonious energy and to lean into those vibes. I definitely have been lost in thougts of the past. Even got to share a couple of pictures of her and me to coworkers. Speaking of work, today's horoscope admonished me to, and I quote "Take greater pride in your work. You'll reach the goals that you strive for. Enjoy the path you're on. The journey is the reward." This echoes part of the one from the first of the month: "Professionally, your efforts bear fruit, leading to recognition." Not much of that at work at the moment, it's not the month, although we did get our free turkey coupons today. Here, though, since my last log, I have: leveled up; been cursed and given a medal by wertperch in the same day, and been egged by Angela with a nice cup of tea, amongst other things. And, and, I'm on track to be an Iron Noder. Woo-hoo! The stars finished today with:

Don't be surprised if today you bask in the glow of the spotlight. Even though it is not your nature to seek out the limelight, your recent accomplishments deserve to be recognized publicly. You may just find yourself intoxicated by all the attention. It's hard not to like applause. Enjoy this time center-stage. You've earned it!

As for the part about being called to spend more time in the company of young family members, passing on knowledge or skills as a way to nurture and shape the next generation one might ask? Had I asked for this week off when I found out my daughter and her husband were going to Las Vegas to celebrate her birthday and their recent anniversary, and had her mother not been able to watch the grandkinds, I would be doing that now. Just two decisions away...

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