This is a very very
silly poem.. please
ignore it and it might go away... ;)
ode to my beverage of choice - Dr. P,
so akinned to that Master P - coz you make me wanna go 'Uhhhhhhhhhhh!'
'n-n-na na na!'
first encounters,
are always love hate with you,
some go 'ewww'.
some go 'Ahhh',
some call their Ma's,
their Pa's - from their cars.
you sassy sasperilla,
the definitive cola killa.
you were never one to be overtly serious,
which is something I can relate to,
adore and elate to,
let me get straight to - the point
your adverts make me giggle,
burst out into laughter fits
your dieted brother's taste wasn't the pits.
Dr. Pepper - I hold thee above all other molasticated liquids
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