user since
Sat Aug 31 2002 at 04:07:13 (22 years ago )
last seen
Sun Apr 27 2003 at 06:57:19 (21.4 years ago )
number of write-ups
3 - View Pusia's writeups (feed)
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 24
mission drive within everything
To be curious.
Talking for long lengths of time with no particular subject matter or structure.
most recent writeup
No, they are not stupid
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I like rocket lettuce. I like cheese. I like warm slippers. I like walking barefoot. I have an allergy to cats. I like languages. I don't like over-the-top political correctness. I like green and blue and red. Bread. Bread is yummy. I don't like TV anymore. I have a hopeless reliance on communication, predominantly through the internet. I love music.

I do not like romance novels that are sold in American drugstores (I'm an Australian), or at least the idea of them.

I do not like the drunk on Brunswick St (Melbourne) that always approaches me.

I do like beer. And Benson and Hedges- Extra Mild.

I do not enjoy long stretches of bad music (perhaps tracks that were a 'mistake' or I am sick of) on WinAmp.

I do not enjoy -22 degree(C) weather in Poland.

I like rain. I like sun.

Ah shutup.