Rack of Spam is a classic example of American haute cuisine, and the perfect Xmas dinner! Each rack serves 1–2 people. Several may be cooked at once; simply multiply the cooking time accordingly.
- Ingredients
- Directions
- Remove the Spam loaf from the can and place on a microwave-safe platter.
the Spam loaf by cutting five or six evenly-spaced slits, each about three-quarters of the way through from the top.
- For every slit made in the previous step, cut and set aside a thin (about quarter-inch) wedge of Velveeta cheese.
- Pour the Coca Cola into a small bowl and wait for it to stop fizzing.
- Gradually stir in the brown sugar, stopping when the resulting mixture has achieved a syrupy consistency.
- Add the mustard, stirring until it has dissolved into the mixture, which is now the glaze.
- Brush the glaze onto the Spam loaf so that every surface is liberally coated.
- Insert one of the prepared Velveeta wedges into each of the slits in the Spam loaf, causing the top of the loaf to fan out in a pleasing
- Sprinkle with raisins, if desired.
- Microwave the platter on power setting 5 (medium) for 4½ minutes, or until the cheese has begun to bubble up.
- Remove the platter from the microwave and let stand for a minute before serving.
This dish pairs excellently with Budweiser, or the kind of wine that comes in a box. Enjoy!