More painful than Nerf.
Cheaper than Lazer-Tag
Dryer than Water-pistols.
Far less painful than a shotgun.
And easy to make- Rubber Band Weaponry.
Simply put, Rubber Band Weaponry are some of the most fun toys you can get. Imagine Quake, but around the house. Imagine all the games you played as a kid, running round shouting "Bang! Bang!" without all the working out if you hit them. ("Did!" "Didn't!" "Did!")
Imagine playing paint-ball in the kitchen, without the mess (Hopefully).
That's Elastic Band Warfare- you make an elastic band gun. and you use it to fire! Be sure to stock up on Ammo first, though. They're made by some companies, but it's easy to make them yourself. Here's a common design for a Concealed 1-4 band "pistol":
1. Make a rectangular prism of wood, about 4" long by 1" wide (10cm x 2.5cm)
2. Put a notch across each side of the front or back face. The notch should be about 1/8th an inch deep by wide. (4mm).
3. Put a "notch" all around the sides of the block an inch from the end (2.5cm). The notch should be about 1/8th an inch deep by wide. (4mm).
There you go! just put 1 - 4 one inch (2.5 cm)length bands on, down in the notches. Then flick them up to fire! DON'T POINT AT THE FACE.
Ideal pistols also have a handle, but these take time and aren't really necessary.
The companies who make them make them using plastic cogs which turn. Here's a common design:
######/--Band wheel where elastic bands go, strapped#####
#####/######round point (A)##############################
###\#|#/#################################Point A#########
###--O-- \xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\####|############
####Catchxxxx#\#Trigger. When pulled, releases band-#####
####keepingx########wheel, sending bands flying. ########
###xfrom moving##########################################
Totally legal, totally fun. For making the notches, try using a file.