From the hidden files of The SCP Foundation

Item #: SCP-3120

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3120 is to be contained in a 3 m x 5 m area fitted with a standard containment barrier and door at 4 m. SPC-3120 is not to be allowed to enter this sectioned area. No violent measures may be used to restrain or herd SPC-3120. If SPC-3120 breaches the inner door, the outer door is not to be opened until it is returned to the inner chamber. No other containment procedures are required.

Any proposed containment or restraint procedures must be cleared by a LEVEL 4 or above staff member. Any changes to SPC-3120's schedule, environment, or personnel must be cleared by SPC-3120's appointed keeper, who must have at least LEVEL 3 clearance. Any new procedures should be carried out by Class D personnel until SCP-3120 becomes accustomed to the procedure.

SCP-3120 is to be kept fed, comfortable, and healthy at all times. A breach of SCP-3120's containment by an SCP with hostile intentions is to be treated as a Keter level event.

Description: SCP-3120 presents as a member of the species Felis catus, male, color black, approximately 3 kilos, estimated to be five years old. It has not been neutered or declawed. SCP-3120 has never exhibited any behaviors consistent with hostility or fear, and appears to enjoy human company. Staff members have named SCP-3120 'Lucky', and it is encouraged that new staff be introduced to it using this name, as this has been observed to put new personnel at ease. SCP-3120 does not respond to this or any other name.

SCP-3120 exhibits the property of warping cause and effect relationships in its vicinity to the extent required to prevent harm to itself. To the extent that can be determined, SCP-3120 is not sentient, and its abilities are not contingent on any awareness of potentially harmful events. SCP has proved immune to attempts to kill, maim, starve, poison, tightly restrain, physically restrain for a period longer than two hours by any means, medicate through injection, trim its nails, or bathe it. Any attempt to engage in these actions results in spontaneous confounding events, often extremely unlikely, that prevents completion of sid action.

SCP-3120 was discovered in the city of ████, █████, after it was observed walking away from a traffic accident involving a fuel tanker and three other vehicles. Despite an explosion that killed 30 civilians, SCP-3120 was observed to be unharmed by a local woman that 'saved' it and brought him home. Fortunately, she described these events to her neighbors before trying to give it a bath; she was found dead the next morning by her neighbors. Due to the bizarre nature of her death, an SCP authority embedded with the local police was at the scene when a policeman attempted to chase SCP-3120 out of the apartment with a broom. While the other officers were occupied with first aid and calling an ambulance, our agent was able to lure SCP-3120 out of the apartment with a piece of fish. Sixteen separate attempts to contain SCP-3120 were made before it was successfully brought to Site 19.

Addendum 3120-1 Experiment Log:
Testing 11/06/2012:
Testing was undertaken by Dr. ████████-2

Procedure: D-class with dander allergy exposed to SCP-3120.
Result: Subject was notably unhappy to be in the same room with SCP-3120, and sneezed frequently. Subject was observed to avoid SCP-3120, swear under his breath, and push SCP-3120 away when it attempted to jump on his lap. No unusual events were observed.

Procedure: D-class personnel exposed to SCP-3120 and told to attempt to shoot it with a tranquilizer gun.
Result: The dart missed SCP-3120 by a wide margin.

Procedure: Same.
Result: The dart missed SCP-3120 by a wide margin, ricocheted off of a scratching post, and put out the subject's eye.

Procedure: D-class personnel exposed to SCP-3120 and told to attempt to shoot it with a loaded .22 pistol.
Result: Five shots missed SCP-3120 by a wide margin. On the sixth shot, the pistol exploded, severely damaging the subject's hand.

Procedure: D-class personnel exposed to SCP-3120 and told to attempt to clip its nails.
Result: Subject cut hand severely with nail clippers, despite aperture of clippers being 1 cm in diameter. Within 24 hours, subject's hand was infected. At 36 hours subject was diagnosed with gangrene.

Procedure: D-class exposed to SCP-3120 and told to █████ ███ ████ ██ ██████████ ████ ███ █ ████ ████
Result: Subject suffered a massive stroke. He was determined to be dead upon arrival of the medical team.

Procedure: Same.
Result: Subject tripped and knocked himself unconscious on the corner of the scratching post before he could undertake his task. No other harmful effects noted.

Procedure: D-class personnel exposed to SCP-3120 and told to leave a bowl of food that had been laced with ██████ ████ in sufficent dosage to cause immediate death of SCP-3120. Subject was not aware that the food was poisoned.
Result: Subject took a small sample of the food on his finger and tasted it, despite it obviously being canned cat food. Subject died within the hour.

Procedure: D-class personnel exposed to SCP-3120 and told to leave a bowl of food that had been laced with ██████ ████ in sufficent dosage to cause immediate death of SCP-3120. Subject was informed that the food was poisoned.
Result: Subject tripped and broke neck on the ottoman. Subject lived until scheduled termination.

Procedure: D-class personnel remained outside of SCP-3120's enclosure. She was instructed to guide a remotely controlled vehicle into SCP-3120's enclosure, and use it to leave a bowl of food that had been laced with ██████ ████ in sufficent dosage to cause immediate death of SCP-3120. Subject was not aware that the food was poisoned.
Result: Subject completed task. Shortly after placing the bowl of food, a short in the vehicle's wiring caused it to malfunction. Subject became agitated while trying to guide the unresponsive vehicle out of the room, and threw the controller against the wall. The controller ricocheted off the wall and hit Dr. ████████-2 in the forehead, cutting him deeply. He punched the subject in the nose, breaking it, and the subject responded by attempting to assault Dr. ████████-2. The guard escorting the subject fired at the subject, hitting her in the chest and killing her instantly. Shortly thereafter Dr. ████████-2 slipped in the puddle of blood on the floor, hitting his head in the desk, but sustaining no serious injury. While the medics were carrying him out on a stretcher, one tripped and dropped the leading end of the stretcher, causing Dr. ████████-2 to hit his head again. Upon arriving in the medical unit, he was accidently administered an injection of ██████, and died within the hour.

Testing was discontinued at the direction of ████████-3.

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