The Safir (Norwegian for Sapphire) electrical panel heater from Nobo ( is probably the l33test piece of normal indoor heating systems. It is constructed to be mounted on a wall or floor, and comes in 750, 900 and 1100 Watt versions. The price range is around 350 - 450 USD. Quite expensive, that is.

Where's the coolness in this product? You see, it's made entirely out of glass, with a special technology that makes one part of the glass lead (and resist) electricity. The heater is thus transparent and very flat, only 9 mm thick. There are two separate layers glass tied together. The innermost glass has the electrically leading side pointing out, and another glass plate is mounted there so you won't get a shock when touching the heater. The special electrical glass is invented and produced by Pinkerton ltd.

The heater comes in several variants, horizontal or vertical, shaded glass, mirror or clear. This makes for a little art statement on your wall. The clear glass is almost 100% transparent so you only see the brackets on the wall and the edge. This is perfect if you have e.g. brick wall behind, so the bricks are visible even though the heater is there. The Safir is compatible with all modern computer controlled indoor enviroment systems.


     _--------- Layer of transparent electrical conduit
  ^-----^----- Special glass plates

For a very good example of how this heater looks like, go here:

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