Swanscombe Man

Located near London, England along the River Thames is a region named Swanscombe. Excavation in this region within the last fifty years has yielded a vast amount of information about humans past. Swanscombe exposed some of the most fascinating insight into mankind’s past by showing the evolutionary calendar to be pretty false, by direct facts. The dig site at Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe supplied archeologists with prehistoric human skulls that strongly resembled modern human counterparts. The conflicting part is that these skulls were over 250,000 years old. Taking into account that these finds are so extraordinary, why have the facts of the finds been so hidden?

Throughout one of the warming periods between Ice Ages, about 250,000 years ago, a clan of primitive hunters called Swanscombe Man appeared. It was most likely a wandering tribe that lived in temporary shelters along the River Thames. The tribe would have probably hunted animals that came to drink in waterholes. 8,000 years ago, France was linked to England via land mass, allowing animals to cross from the continent.

Much of the information of the Swanscombe Man tribe is from discarded tools and bones. In 1935 and 1936, Alvin T. Marston, a 65-year-old dentist and amateur archeologist from Clapham, discovered the remains of Swanscombe Man. The part of human skull belonged to an early type of modern man (Homo sapiens) and is thought to belong to a young woman. This skull is today found at the Natural History Museum in London. In August of 1955, the right parietal bone of the Swanscombe skull was found. It fitted flawlessly with the bones that Marston found in 1935 and 1936. Lower layers of the Barnfield Pit exposed an even older, more primitive form of man living at Swanscombe earlier than 250,000 BP. The tribe was named Clactonian Man. The most general tool found at Swanscombe is the hand-axe. These were not regular, everyday axes found in the local hardware shop, but very basic, simple tools. Neanderthal man, Cro-Magnon Man and Swanscombe Man are all now considered to be Homo sapiens. The skeletal features of these diverse finds are hard but not impossible to tell apart from modern man. They cannot be considered missing links because they are so alike to today's people. They were just different races that died roughly 100,000 years ago.

These finds at Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe oppose previous beliefs and theory. Since the finds went against their modern timelines, archeologists had to reorganize and restructure the entire timeline to match with the new finds stating that there were modern-human like races 250,000 years ago and possibly even before. Unlike the Piltdown Man found in Britain, the Swanscombe Man was very real indeed, and it crushed the archeological community making the site one of the most prosperous Paleolithic sites in Britain and the world.

“A Mostly Complete Piltdown Man Bibliography.” Talk Origins Tom Turritin. http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/piltdown/piltref.html

“Missing Links.” Gregory Koukl. Online commentary. http://www.str.org/free/commentaries/evolution/misslink.htm

“Local History.” Mark Chatwin. Online. Jan. 1997. http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~mchatwin/localhst.htm

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