This 1258 page tome published in December of 1999 contains the unabridged chronicles of Amber - the ten books relating the story of Corwin Prince of Amber, and his son Merlin. The first five novels in the trade paperback chronicle Corwin's recovery from amnesia on Earth, his search for his father Oberon, and his fulfillment of destiny and disappearance. The second five tell the story of Corwin's son Merlin, and his search for his father.

This series shows the immense creativity of Roger Zelazny. The story is continually surprising and surprisingly non-derivative - even though it could be described as a swords and sorcery type story. Some readers have compared it to the original Highlander movie and the series which it does parallel in several ways. Zelazny managed to write a deep and engaging story without depending on gore or explicit scenes to carry the reader along. This series is arguably some of his best creative work. Roger Zelazny slipped into Shadows June 14, 1995

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