Taken from the Kult FAQ:
What is the Kult?
The Kult is an international organization comprised of like-minded individuals who value freedom and human rights above all else. Originally founded by Sean Kennedy in February 2000, the primary goal of Kult is to organize counterculture and Internet subculture to take direct action against the Corpolitical society that threatens to one day shackle us all.
Who is Sean Kennedy "The Fucking Man"?
A man with a good idea, Patient Zero of the KULT. He was the first to be infected with the VIRUS and has done everything in his power to spread it to the masses, in the hope that they too will see the truth. As outspoken DJ on the Internet radio station 'Rant Radio', Sean lent his talent for social commentary to their programming and in doing so started what would eventually become the basis for this organization.
What is Kult about?
Kult is more than an organization. It is a family. Members of the organization look out for one another and work together towards furthering the goals of counterculture and Internet subculture. We believe that things are only going to get worse and only by banding together will we have any chance of surviving the dark future that is to come. More than anything Kult is about the preservation of Freedom and human rights.
Why Join Kult?
Because you feel the need to fight back against all the wrongs that you see each and every day. Because you want to be part of an organization that will never treat you as a number but instead as a unique individual. Because you want to be part of something that matters. Because you would rather die than give in to the cruel world that has rejected you. Every person has a different reason for joining.
What is your motto?
Our motto is "No More Victims." This means that Kult will not tolerate discrimination against someone because they are "different". We respect the right of everyone to have their opinions but will fight against any and all who would attempt to force their opinion on others. Kult will never stand by and allow their members to be victimized, by being part of the organization you know there you will always have someplace to turn, no matter how desperate the situation.
Where can I learn more?
Please read through our Virus Manifesto, which outlines in greater detail the beliefs and goals of Kult.
See also www.thekult.net and www.sktfm.tv/virus.htm