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After the wars between Gods and Titans, the world was safe enough for humanity. The task of creating the human race fell to the two Titans who sided with Jupiter: Epimetheus ("Afterthought") and Prometheus ("Forethought", who was wiser than even the gods.). Epimetheus was a bit of a dimwit, always doing the first thing that came into his mind. So after giving all the best abilities to the animals, he realized he had nothing to give man. He paniced and asked Prometheus to help. Thankfully, Prometheus is a nice guy who decided to help out is stupid brother. He gave man the ability to walk upright and, after lighting a torch with the sun, gave man the ultimate gift: fire. After Prometheus then tricked Jupiter by giving man the better part of a sacrifice and making the bones and skin of the the sacrifice look like meat. The god was enraged, and sent Force and Violence down to shackle Prometheus to the Caucasus Mountains (The edge of the Greek world) where he would have his liver torn out again and again for eternity by a hawk. Then Jove turned his rage at man...

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