The largest public music school in the nation, UNT is home to over - supposedly - 20,000 music majors.
Mostly jazz and classical musicians, those that live on campus generally reside in
Bruce Hall which is most definitely NOT the best residence hall on campus (the food is almost inedible, and the smoke outside the doors is hell for asthmatics).
The other campus residences are Crumley Hall, Kerr Hall (which has the best - in most people's opinion - cafeteria), Clark Hall (serves junk food all day every day),
McConnel Hall (the
TAMSter dorm, probably the nicest on campus because they, sadly, baby us), Maple Hall (the hall the REST of the people think has the best food), and Big West Hall (serves the same food as Bruce, but it's strangely edible).
The campus is also well known for it's sciences (not counting the
chem lab from hell), being one of very few schools in which all four
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship nominees were rewarded (even
MIT didn't get that last year) and being one of the top ten "
Wired" schools in the nation with (at my last count) seven
T3's for student use.
The athletics program receives recognition as having the SECOND worst football team in the nation (114 out of 115 according to
Sports Illustrated).
Overall - Great school for music, but if you expected a real education, you'd best leave.