Near Matches
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What is it with chicks and horses?
The woman with her legs apart
Cowgirl smells of soil
There are a million girls like me out there
Wanting to hear those quiet, even breaths at four in the morning
Cleaning a horse's sheath
one perfect moment of beauty
Your horses are on fire
Blackbirds at One O'Clock
Horses give you confidence
Using Sign Language for Evil
I was throwing around useless proverbs when all she needed was to be held and told that she was beautiful
I hate you. Please don't leave me.
One day I will step out of my body and burst into bloom
Only Fools and Horses
I'm scared to death of what havoc he could wreak in my life
Protocol when feeding a horse in a paddock
Working through college is a worthwhile experience
Herd Dynamics and Fighting Horses
Tell me about yourself. Tell me everything.
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