Near Matches
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When I sneeze, I get cross, and when I get cross I'm liable to do something wicked.
A portrait of Kim Jong Il at dawn
What is this useless broken wooden boy? He is saying stupid things, he is lurching!
Lights of office buildings specially arranged for public viewing
Ice fishing becomes madly popular in the American midwest, despite the unseasonable late November thaw
Sir Quincey Judd-Sprockett
Daisy Hill Puppy Farm
The Hair Bear Bunch
Put an unmonitored piano in a public place. It's the only real magic that exists.
We've got all this beauty and just enough time to figure out how to destroy it.
Housing systems for layer hens
Isabelle is a fierce hunter; she won't stand for the wrong prey
In the world I see, you're stalking elk through the forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center
I must say, you present all kinds of wonderful thoughts
no beer, so Henry orders a double espresso during his parole appointment
gone stoic in silence: ash and smoke and the wide sunk mud-iron landscape of forever
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