White Ribbon Day is an annual UK event which marks the International Day Against Violence Against Women, November 25th. It was launched by WOMANKIND in 1998, and "WOMANKIND works with women's and men's groups internationally, to promote the ribbon and the values behind it."1

These values are as follows:

Wearing the White Ribbon says I will not commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women.2
Fairly simple, really. As well as actual acts of violence, the White Ribbon Campaign aims to challenge the tacit acceptance of violence against women: neighbours turning a blind eye to bruises, the assumption that rape victims must have asked for it and the like. This idea of not keeping silent is particularly important, as women often feel ashamed to have been victims of violence, particularly rape and sexual assault. The campaign hopes to help this situation by raising awareness and therefore reducing isolation, so that fewer people can get away with violent acts against women, and there is more support for the victims.

Although the idea of violence against women is a very broad one, the UK campaign tends to focus on rape and domestic violence as, in this country at least, these are the two forms of violence which disproportionately affect women.

For more information or to get involved, see http://www.womankind.org.uk

1 'White Ribbon Day is about breaking the silence', http://www.eurowrc.org/00.events/15.event.htm, last accessed 11th June 2003.

2'UK White Ribbon Campaign 2002', http://www.womankind.org.uk/8a%20white%20ribbon.htm, last accessed 11th June 2003.

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