When you pour your bowl of Cap'n Crunch, or Shredded Wheat, or for you oldsters, Grape Nuts (what did your upper palate ever do to you anyway?), you reach for the milk to finish the dish. The milk is 99.99912% probable to be from a cow.

We mostly call that "milk".

A significant minority uses milk from a goat; that's called goat milk.

There are many kinds of milk we could use; every mammalian species has it on offer. There's

and so many others.

Hey, we (I and most or all of those reading this) are mammals! We (the fairer sex among us) produce milk for our babies also!

Our human babies drink human milk (unless their mothers give them some product of a "formula" factory somewhere). But for some reason, people don't say that: they say "breast milk". (All those other species that give milk have breasts also.) I think this is another aspect of the collective blindness that humans have that makes them unable to accept that we're animals too. Even while recognizing that homo sapiens is unique in a special way, we still are animals. We even use the word "animals" to mean all animals except humans.

This self-imposed masking is one of many ways we refuse to see the world for what it really is. These masks have a lesser or greater effect on how we live life, but none of them make it better.

253 words for Brevity Quest 2024

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