..if you're kupo for Kupo Nuts!

"I'm kupo for Kupo Nuts!" is possibly the best Final Fantasy quote ever. Whoever it was employed in scripting or translating FFIX that came up with that gem should get ... I don't know, something good.

...if you have a pom-pom.

Another one from the hyper-cute FFIX. I think that's the first time that the little yellow ball on the end of the antenna on a moogle's head has gotten a name - it's from this quote, referring to the last time Eiko cooked some particular dish for the moogles: "It tasted so bad, I thought my pom-pom would fall off!"

...if you look like this:
    .-       -.
    | \  _  / |
    <   / \   >
    <   \_/   >
    <    .    >

      |\ /|
  /  /'   '\  \
  \/\||   ||/\/
     \|   |/
      | | |

If you're Andrew Vestal.

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