A type of potato that was first bred in Canada and is, as far as I know, only grown in North America. One source tells me that this was the first successful North American yellow-fleshed potato ever produced. Agriculture Canada and the University of Guelph licensed Yukon golds in 1980 and released them to the market in 1981.
The skin of this tuber is thin and yellow with distinctive pink eyes; many potato cultivation sites refer to Yukon golds as having an attractive oblong shape. The flesh of the Yukon gold is yellow in colour with a slightly mealy texture, and will not discolour if exposed to air. These all-purpose potatoes make good baked potatoes, scalloped potatoes, mashed potatoes, french fries, and potato chips.
In fact, in their adaptability and amiable middle of the road-ness, these strike me as very Canadian potatoes, and I mean that in the nicest possible way. (I'm Canadian; like many of my countrypersons, I appreciate these qualities in produce and people.) Besides their adaptability in the kitchen, they produce their fruits in mid-season, before frost threatens. The medium-tall plants produce a medium bounty of tubers that aren't too deep in the ground, making them relatively easy to harvest. The plants are of medium strength, being resistant to some common problems such as leaf roll, and susceptible to others such as hollow heart (a disconcerting star-shaped hole in the middle of your potato). An all-round pleasant potato.