- Bacon Cipher
- atbash cipher
- Soviet Espionage Cipher
- Playfair Cipher
- M209 Cipher Machine
- Simon Singh's Code Book Cipher Challenge Cracked
- Stream Cipher
- synchronous stream cipher
- Additive Stream Ciphers
- self-synchronizing stream cipher
- Turning grill transposition cipher
- ERIKO-CHAN cipher
- cipher (user)
- Block cipher
- null cipher
- block cipher cryptanalysis
- Caesar's Cipher
- Keyword substitution cipher
- Ideal cipher model
- running key cipher
- Hill cipher
- Permutation cipher
- random key substitution cipher
- Nihilist cipher
- ADFGVX cipher
- bifid cipher
- VIC cipher
- rail fence cipher
- Dorabella Cipher
- Lorenz cipher
- cipher text
- substitution cipher
- monoalphabetic substitution cipher
- Caesar shift cipher
- simple substitution cipher
- homophonic substitution cipher
- polyalphabetic substitution cipher
- cipher
- transposition cipher
- cipher alphabet
- asymmetric cipher
- symmetric cipher
- mechanical cipher system
- hybrid cryptosystem
- Pigpen Cipher
- Hash Cipher
- The Beale ciphers
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