Bur"row (?), n. [See 1st Borough.]
An incorporated town. See 1st Borough.
A shelter; esp. a hole in the ground made by certain animals, as rabbits, for shelter and habitation.
3. Mining
A heap or heaps of rubbish or refuse.
A mound. See 3d Barrow, and Camp, n., 5.
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Bur"row, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Burrowed (#); p. pr. & vb. n. Burrowing.]
To excavate a hole to lodge in, as in the earth; to lodge in a hole excavated in the earth, as conies or rabbits.
To lodge, or take refuge, in any deep or concealed place; to hide.
Sir, this vermin of court reporters, when they are forced into day upon one point, are sure to burrow in another.
Burrowing owl Zool., a small owl of the western part of North America (Speotyto cunicularia), which lives in holes, often in company with the prairie dog.
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