Cine-collé is a printmaking technique where fabric, paper, or other thin textiles are affixed to a print during the monotyping process. Collé is French for "glue". Various types of glues are used during the cine-collé process. A commonly used glue is powdered, organic, wallpaper paste.

The first step in creating a monotype is drawing with oil pastels or paints on a surface such as plexiglass. The pastels/paints are allowed to dry completely. A damp piece of paper is placed over the plexiglass and then the paper is either run through the printing press or rubbed with a baren. The image is transferred onto the paper creating a print.

In order to add cine-collé to the print, fabric, paper, et cetera is placed over the monotype drawing before the print is created. Next, the material placed on the monotype drawing is dusted with wallpaper paste. Then a print is made the same way as described above. The dampness of the paper causes the powder to glue the two surfaces together. When done correctly the added material appears to be part of the print instead of an addition.

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