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Dream of flowers in dustbins
gone stoic in silence: ash and smoke and the wide sunk mud-iron landscape of forever
Yossarian is also God, if you must know
Did you once stand before me without shame?
My girlfriend and her pillow
And oh, how we long for their shaky, malnourished caresses
When you dream the end of the world, how does it happen?
This music crept by me upon the waters
The rain of my heart, a rose
dreams of red hair
I still don't even know you
Candles are like souls
Everything existed as though painted in a dream
A beautiful girl, a dead man, corn on the cob
How would you understand?
My regret sits on the floor like someone else's polaroid photos
Tell me your passionate cruelty
All that glitters is refracted light
When does a dream become public domain?
company, loves, misery
throw yourself into a memory as if it were air, as if it will save you
Therapy ball
Please do not bring me flowers
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