A chess game is divided into 3 sections, the opening, the middle game and the endgame. The opening is where you stake your territory. The middle game is where you try and exchange pieces to your advantage (be it a material advantage or a postional advantage). The endgame is where you exploit whatever advantages you have gained and mate your opponent. Many chess books will advise you to study your endgame first. There are two main reasons for this. The first one is that the endgame is the most understood part of chess. This is where the variables in chess become greatly reduced. There are less pieces on the board so the pieces' lines of attack are greater and more defined. The second reason is that if you have an understanding of the endgame you can set goals in your middle game. The end game has mostly been figured out. There are rules that must be understood or you will lose against someone who understands them. 

Pawn Endgames




  • Knight endgames with pawns
  • Opposite color bishops Endgame
  • Rook vs Knight Endgames
  • Queen vs Knight Endgames
  • Same color bishop Endgame
  • Queen vs Rook Endgames
  • Bishop vs Knight Endgame
  • Queen Endgame
  • Rook Endgame
  • Pawns against pieces



    Piece(s) and King vs King (no pawns)




  • Queen and King vs King
  • Rook(s) and King vs King
  • Two Bishops and a King vs King
  • A Bishop a Knight and a King vs King
  • King and two Knights vs King

    Classic Endgame Positions and General Theory

  • Saavedra position
  • Lucena Position
  • Philidor position
  • Triangulation
  • The Opposition, King vs King and single pawn
  • Isolated pawn


    any help or advice on orginization would be greatly appreciated if I am not around please msg a god for additions/corrections. for all your chess needs check out Miles Diracs wu in Chess

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