Unlike other
personality systems, the Enneagram shows a
dynamic path for personality growth. The point is not to fix a position of one´s personality "you are an artist", but to track one´s way of being along life´s situations.
The nine positions are "starting" positions, frames where one feels kind of "at home", in balance with one´s own strenghts and weaknesses. But the nine positions of the Enneagram form a fulfilling picture of human personality, often called "god´s faces", in an attempt to help human growth to the divine.
Following the dynamics of integration along the arrows, "the artist" is challenged by "the perfectionist" to materialice his/her vision; and this by "the joyfull player" in order to open materialiced visions to the enjoyment of all; and this in turn by "the insight seer" not to loose oneself into the others; and so on and so on.
The two paths -the triangle and the six-point star- are to be followed thanks to one´s "wings" right and left of the "starting position". As humans, nothing human should be foreign to us; the model of the Enneagramm can give a very powerful insight into one´s (never static) way of being.
the gunslinger