Email address at home: (mogrified to avoid spam; I think spammers suck, worse than the Red Wings even)
Resident of Denver, CO
I work as a senior software engineer for Inc., a subsidiary of Webb Interactive Services, Inc.. I work on the Jabber open source instant messaging system; I wrote the Jabber transport for ICQ, as well as some Java client library work. At, I work with Jeremie Miller and the other open-source Jabber developers. (Yes, I used to program for MS Windows, but I haven't touched a Windows compiler in over a year.) I do most of my working and living in Linux these days, and I also carry a Palm VII.
I enjoy SF television series like Star Trek and Babylon 5, as well as cartoon shows like South Park and Daria.
Online, I read comics like User Friendly and After Y2K, and news sites such as that site you all know, Linux Today, and Linux Weekly News. Naturally, I have JabberIM and Gabber running as well; my Jabber ID is or
My wife is Silverwrist; we were married in October 1999 and moved to Denver from Santa Barbara, CA a month later.
Thoughts on Noding Philosophy (or, "Notes for a More Coherent Writeup")
(much of this is probably shamelessly stolen from other nodes)
- Facts are good. If you want to steadily gain rep and XP, node factual stuff. Opinions and/or funny stuff can lead to big gains, but can also result in your XP going down faster than the Titanic.
- Put good detail in your writeups.
- Cite your sources. You don't need to make a complete bibliography entry though. Your readers have access to Google; given sufficient motivation and keywords, they'll find it.
- Make sure and use all your votes every day; the XP bonus is probably the best help you'll get in accumulating XP.
- Don't bait the EDB. Be nice in the cheddarbox. Tell people their writeups are good. If they might benefit from corrections or additional info, give it to them.
- Don't troll for rep or XP. It will backfire.