peace of mind after a pleasant
Thanks to Google, I found this word defined on about a dozen different sites. Not one defined it with any alternate phrasing (though most can't spell "pleasant"), and none gave derivation info. I can tell you that phrenes is Latin for "delirium," and "eu-" generally denotes something pleasant (euphoria, euphony).
http://stommel.tamu.edu/~baum/skb_dict.html .. and others which say the same thing
http://www.crcwnet.com/~murdock/pneuma/clouds/ is not interesting at all, nor relevant really.
Editor's note. Originally noded as 'euneirophrenia'. This should be eu
oneirophrenia, from all Greek roots:
eu 'well',
oneir- 'dream', and
phren- 'mind'. -