user since
Mon Sep 30 2002 at 13:13:38 (22 years ago )
last seen
Mon Mar 28 2011 at 19:48:51 (13.5 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / -10
mission drive within everything
acheiving efficiency within all walks of life
incoherant babblings
lazy is good
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Originally lain, although once anime picked up in this backwater country called Australia, it was deemed necessary to vary it enough for the reference to be there while maintaining some sort of individuality. A friend (back in the old days) had called myself lainster on occasion, and that was good enough for myself. Another variation on the story goes that I was sick of having stupid variations of the nick lain while on EFNet and finally settled on lainster. Either way, it'd proven well enough so that I've never really had to chose anythng else as a username for anything, really.


Hey! I'm just getting started here. Some people.

An autobiography, in little bits ( for all those tasty inane details I know you all love.