Liftoff is an unusual microfabrication process that can be used to pattern metallic films on a wafer. The liftoff process is useful when a good metal etchant isn't available. The normal patterning process is the following:
Normal patterning process
- Metal is deposited across the wafer (generally by sputtering).
- Photoresist is spun onto the wafer.
- The photoresist is patterned by photolithography.
- The metal is etched by reactive ion etching or wet etching.
- The photoresist is removed by acetone or plasma etching.
The liftoff process is unique in the fact that the metal is never actually etched. The metal is deposited on top of patterned photoresist and is washed away when the photoresist is removed.
Liftoff process
- Photoresist is spun onto the wafer.
- The photoresist is patterned by photolithography.
- Metal is deposited onto the wafer.
- The photoresist is removed by acetone and the metal is washed away.
Liftoff diagrams
Before photoresist removal
_______________ __________
Metal | | Metal
_______________| |__________
Photoresist |Metal |Photoresist
Silicon wafer
After photoresist removal
|Metal |
Silicon wafer
For the liftoff process to be effective, there must be a gap between the metal deposited onto the photoresist and the metal deposited onto the wafer. Otherwise tearing will occur.