A file type which contains information about an accompanying file. Usually found in zip files containing warez as tags as to whom had the file, who cracked it, who it passed through, etc...

File_ID.diz files usually offer up some of the same information, but it may be more brief.

First a quick lesson on the organization of The Scene.

When productz (warez, moviez, gamez, appz, etc) are released, they are 99% of the time released by a group. A group is usually a small group of people (~20 people, but YMMV) that is dedicated to releasing a certain product because they have the resources to do so (for example TVRip groups would have people with C-band antennas or HDTV capture cards). The more stuff the group releases, the more creds (becoming well-known) they get.

Now, an NFO is an integral part of any release. Here let us dissect a typical NFO. Following is an NFO from The.Matrix.Reloaded.TS.SVCD-CTP, released by Centropy, one of the most famous groups around.

Please note that most NFOs are meant to be viewed in the Terminal font.

                                   °                        Ü Ü²ÜÜÜÜܲÜ
                                   °                        Ü Ü²ÜÜÜÜܲÜ
    ÜÜÜÜÜ Ü      °            °    ±  ²ÜÜܲ  Ü        Ü ÜÛÜÜÜÜÜ²Ü Ü  Û
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   ܲÜÛÜÜÜÜÜÛÜ      ±     ß                           ±
      ß             °Centropy - Finest VCD/DVD release° crew 

Above is the first part of most NFOs. Almost all the time it is a piece of ASCII art identifying the group. Centropy uses some gibberish, probably to give the idea of entropy. Another group, OtB (Only the Best) use an ASCII picture of Humphrey Bogart. Some are creative, some aren't, but again, the purpose is to give people something to identify the group by.

 ³³°°±±²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²±±°°          Release Info             °°±±²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²±±°°³³
 ³³ Title            Matrix Reloaded       Ripper                Agent  ³³
 ³³ Date                  19-05-2003       Supplier              Smith  ³³
 ³³ Quality            SVCD TELESYNC       Archives        56/57/50*15  ³³
 ³³ Genre              Sci-Fi/Action       Rating               7.9/10  ³³

Above is the Release Info segment. This will list basic stats from the release-- what it is called, the type of media, quality (for a movie it would be the medium of recording-- Telesync, Telecine, DVDScreener, etc-- and the media that it was ripped to, for a TVRip it would be the original TV quality-- i.e. Digital Cable, HDTV, PDTV, etc, and the format it was ripped to, i.e. DivX, XviD, SVCD, etc.). Also included is some other basic data-- you can see here there is some info on the genre, and also on the supplier, ripper, etc, and the archives (standard operating procedure for releases is to use WinRAR to archive the file into 15 megabyte chunks, and this would tell you how many of the 50-megabyte chunks there were, in this case, 56 for CD1, 57 for CD2, and 50 for CD3.)

 ³³°°±±²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²±±°°               Notes               °°±±²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²±±°°³³
 ³³                                                                         ³³
 ³³ Did you like the APM version? So did we! - Anyways, thank you for your  ³³ 
 ³³ patience waiting for our SVCD encode.                                   ³³ 
 ³³                                                                         ³³ 
 ³³ Happy watching.                                                         ³³  
 ³³                                                                         ³³
 ³³°°±±²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²±±°°             Movie Cast            °°±±²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²±±°°³³
 ³³                                                                         ³³
 ³³    Check out -> http://msnbc-cnet.com.com/2100-1026_3-1001562.html      ³³
 ³³                                                                         ³³

Above is some miscellaneous info about the release, in this case some Notes and a link to a webpage containing the movie cast (in a TVRip it would be a link to the tvtome.com page containing information for the particular episode.).

 ³³°°±±²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²±±°°        Centropy Information       °°±±²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²±±°°³³
 ³³                                                                         ³³
 ³³       Please remember: we do this for FUN. We do not make money         ³³
 ³³       off this whole business. If people tell you                       ³³
 ³³       they're in Centropy, they're lying.We do not condone              ³³
 ³³       people selling illegal copies of movies for profit.               ³³
 ³³       In fact, all of us go to the movies regularly and pay for         ³³
 ³³       our tickets just like everyone else.                              ³³
 ³³       If everyone only watched illegal copies, there would be           ³³
 ³³       no money to make new movies.                                      ³³
 ³³                                                                         ³³
 ³³                                                                         ³³
 ³³ Greetings to our fellow release crews..                                 ³³
 ³³                                                                         ³³
 ³³                                                                         ³³
 ³³°°±±²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²±±°°       Proud Sites Of CTP          °°±±²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²±±°°³³
 ³³                                                                         ³³
 ³³                                wooot?                                   ³³
 ³³                                                                         ³³
                         Generated by ctpNfoMaker 2.03 
                                                                      (_. o_) 
                                                                  _  _ (    )
                                                      (_05-19-2003 )_\ // // 

Finishing off the NFO we have some information about the group, their mission statement, other errata, and usually shoutouts to certain members of The Scene.

That is about all there is to an NFO. Just keep in mind that NFO is short for "info" which is short for "information" and you get the picture.

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