Everyone knows at least a couple. They're
everywhere. Come on, you know...
They're the people who say
Thank God It's Monday.
They're the people who become sobbing
emotional wrecks if they don't get their twelve cups of
coffee first thing in the morning.
They're the people who come up work in
Human Resources.
They're the people who come up with ideas like
Secret Santa and other ways to improve
office morale, none of which work.
They're the teachers who made you play
the Name Game on the first day of class and actually expected people to
want to play it.
They're the people who don't understand the
phrase, "I'm sick of talking to people; I just want to be
alone right now."
They're the people who turn into complete
sluts when they get approximately one
ounce of
alcohol in their systems.
And, most
importantly...they're the people who are a living example of why the term "
justifiable homicide" exists..