This is actually a
muscular problem, with
symptoms that can
mimic other more serious conditions.
aching in the
buttock and
leg above the
squatting or walking makes the pain worse.
Affected leg is often
externally rotated (toes point out) when relaxed, such as when lying face down on the bed with your feet over the end of the mattress.
Pain after
driving a long distance; your foot on the
accelerator pedal has been in one position for hours!
Low back pain
This can sound very like true
sciatica, but instead of a serious problem like a ruptured
disc pressing on your
sciatic nerve, it's actually a muscle, deep in your buttock
tweaking the nerve!
The sciatic nerve is the largest in the body, up to the width of your
thumb! It runs from the lower back, through the buttock and handles pretty much all
nervous functions in your leg.
Now under all the
padding and
glute muscles lies the
piriformis muscle. It is attached to the
sacrum and runs to the head of the
femur and is used to help
rotate the
hip. If you lie on your back with your
feet in the air and rotate your foor out to one side...well that's you
working out the priformis muscle.
You need this muscle to hold your foot on the accelerator of a car, and driving for a long time can cause this muscle to shorten. When you get out of your car and
stretch, the piriformis muscle will compress the sciatic nerve, triggering the above
Other triggers can be faulty foot or spinal mechanics,
gait disturbances, poor
posture or sitting habits, exercise can do it as well, anything that affects the piriformis really...
As with a lot of muscle problems, stretching can help a lot, as this muscle is so far in your
bum it's a bit difficult to describe how to.
To stretch the
right side piriformis, lie on your back, bend you knees and put your right
ankle on your left knee, to make a figure '4'. Now by bending at the hip, bring your
left knee towards your chest, grab your left thigh to help.
As it can also be caused by poor posture etc., treatment can involve correct faulty foot and
pelvic mechanics, resting from exercise etc.
The above is meant to be a
description and not advice; if you're in pain, see a
doctor. I accept no resposibility for any injuries caused due to reading the above. It's not my fault, you should have seen a
doctor...It's not my fault....I never did no harm to no-one...He slipped on the stairs, I weren't nowhere near 'im honest....