A record is a recorded sound medium. It's a vinyl disc (usually 7 or 12 inches) with tiny grooves on it that can be played with a turntable. As the needle of the turntable passes through the grooves on the record, the needle vibrates and those vibrations are amplified to recreate the sound pressed on the record. Records were popular from their introduction up through the mid-80's when CDs came out, but have recently come back into fashion with the popularity of DJs.

In database management, a self-contained entity within a database of one or (usually) several records of mutually similar and/or diverse nature. The record represents a data entry and is (usually) made up of fields. Records can be visualized as rows in a table of one or more columns.

The name of Campagnolo's top-of-the-line bicycle component group.

The Campagnolo Record started out as a cotterless crankset in 1958. The Record group was first introduced in 1960, but it contained many Gran Sport parts. The complete Record gruppo was released in 1968.

Many snobby road bike racers only ride Campy Record-equipped bikes.

The 2001 10-speed gruppo is available forabout $1329.99, by mail order. It contains much titanium and carbon fiber.

In a database, a record is a set of self-contained data pertaining to one entity in the database. Records are made up of fields, which contain data of a certain type.

Imagine a database of students at a school. Each record would correspond to a student, and be made up of the fields name, address, telephone number, date of birth and a list of subjects the student is studying. You can imagine this as tables of data in a file.

Records may be fixed-length or variable-length. Fixed-length records stay a constant size at all times and therefore can be traversed quickly. For instance, if I know that each record in a database is 200 bytes long, then I can jump straight to record number 4 by jumping 800 bytes into a file. This is called direct access (or random access). Variable-length records allow more flexibility in the size of a file (minimising it, but also allowing it to grow larger if it needs to be done) but means that when accessing the file each record will need to be iterated through on its own, which is slower.

Re*cord" (r?*k?rd"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recorded; p. pr. & vb. n. Recording.] [OE. recorden to repeat, remind, F. recorder, fr. L. recordari to remember; pref. re- re- + cor, cordis, the heart or mind. See Cordial, Heart.]


To recall to mind; to recollect; to remember; to meditate.

[Obs.] "I it you record."



To repeat; to recite; to sing or play.


They longed to see the day, to hear the lark
Record her hymns, and chant her carols blest.


To preserve the memory of, by committing to writing, to printing, to inscription, or the like; to make note of; to write or enter in a book or on parchment, for the purpose of preserving authentic evidence of; to register; to enroll; as, to record the proceedings of a court; to record historical events.

Those things that are recorded of him . . . are written in the chronicles of the kings.
1 Esd. i. 42.

To record a deed, mortgage, lease, etc., to have a copy of the same entered in the records of the office designated by law, for the information of the public.


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Re*cord", v. i.


To reflect; to ponder.


Praying all the way, and recording upon the words which he before had read.


To sing or repeat a tune.



Whether the birds or she recorded best.
W. Browne.


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Rec"ord (r?k"?rd), n. [OF. recort, record, remembrance, attestation, record. See Record, v. t.]


A writing by which same act or event, or a number of acts or events, is recorded; a register; as, a record of the acts of the Hebrew kings; a record of the variations of temperature during a certain time; a family record.

2. Especially:

  1. An official contemporaneous writing by which the acts of some public body, or public officer, are recorded; as, a record of city ordinances; the records of the receiver of taxes.
  2. An authentic official copy of a document which has been entered in a book, or deposited in the keeping of some officer designated by law.
  3. An official contemporaneous memorandum stating the proceedings of a court of justice; a judicial record.
  4. The various legal papers used in a case, together with memoranda of the proceedings of the court; as, it is not permissible to allege facts not in the record.


Testimony; witness; attestation.

John bare record, saying. John i. 32.


That which serves to perpetuate a knowledge of acts or events; a monument; a memorial.


That which has been, or might be, recorded; the known facts in the course, progress, or duration of anything, as in the life of a public man; as, a politician with a good or a bad record.


That which has been publicly achieved in any kind of competitive sport as recorded in some authoritative manner, as the time made by a winning horse in a race.

Court of record (pron. r*krd" in Eng.), a court whose acts and judicial proceedings are written on parchment or in books for a perpetual memorial. -- Debt of record, a debt which appears to be due by the evidence of a court of record, as upon a judgment or a cognizance. -- Trial by record, a trial which is had when a matter of record is pleaded, and the opposite party pleads that there is no such record. In this case the trial is by inspection of the record itself, no other evidence being admissible. Blackstone. -- To beat, ∨ break, the record Sporting, to surpass any performance of like kind as authoritatively recorded; as, to break the record in a walking match.


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