Sandwich code V1.0.
If you make a wide variety of sandwiches, you waste a lot of
time writing down
Time for a change !
Ingredients are encoded using
capital letters. A lower-case letter might be
appended to be able to distinguish between things like
cheese and
Alphabetic list of ingredients
A Avocado
B Bread
Ba Bacon
Bc Corned beef
Bd Dark bread
Bo Bologna
Bq Barbecue sauce
Bu Butter
Br Rye bread
C Cheese
Ca Custard
Cb Crabmeat
Cc Cream cheese
Ce Chili beans
Ch Chicken
Cn Cayenne pepper
Cp Capers
Cr Cress
Cu Cucumber
Cy Curry
D Dill pickle
E Egg
G Gherkin
Gp Green pepper
Gy Gravy
H Ham
I Iceberg lettuce
J Jelly
Hy Hamburger patty
K Ketchup
L Lettuce
La Lamb
Li Liverwurst
Lj Lemon juice
Lo Lobster
M Mayonnaise
Mu Mustard
O Onions
Ol Olives
P Pepper
Pb Peanut butter
Pr Pork, roast
Pr Pickle relish
Pa Pastrami
Pu Pumpernickel bread
R Roll
Rd Russian dressing
Sa Salami
Sd Sardines
Sg Sausage
Sh Shrimp
Sk Sauerkraut
So Shortening
St Salt
T Tomato
Tr Turkey
II. Modifiers
Ingredients can be chopped, sliced, grilled, fried and so on. This is indicated by
a modifier
suffix :
! sliced (!! would be finely sliced)
$ minced
( chopped
| finely sliced
~ fried
* cooked
# grilled/grill during preparation
: shredded
ยง salad
^ toasted
III. Amount
The amount, if not "average", of an ingredient can be specified by the amount suffix :
--- traces
-- a bit
- some
+ generous
++ a lot
+++ loads
0 optional (zero, not "O")
IV: Use - and examples
The sandwich is constructed bottom up.
Let's start with a simple
classic, the ham and cheese sandwich on white bread :
Bread, mayonnaise, a generous amount of sliced cheese and ham, some more mayonnaise and finally the second slice of bread.
The Reuben sandwich is somewhat more elaborate :
Exercise for the reader :
Enjoy your
meal !