Viewed diachronically, classic refers to the literature, sculpture, and architecture of Athens of the 5th and 3rd centuries BC, and of Rome of the late republic and early Empire. Viewed synchronically, classic implies values of form, restraint, and order. It is aware of intertextuality. One may dispute the Vergilian view, in which the classic work glorifies values unaffected by time or place, and consider a Barthian view, in which the classic appeals to us in terms of its elasticity - an art of the signifier and not of the signified.

It is characterized by qualities of Heiterkeit (serenity) and Allgemeinheit (universality) -Winkelmann

In Mac OS X, Classic is an environment where applications that aren't full compatible with OS X run. Essentially, it is an emulator running Mac OS 9. Although you can run the older applications (also called "Classic Apps"), they cannot access some of the machine's hardware, thus, some games will need to be run with software rendering, and a number of peripherals won't work.

In cycle racing, a major single-day road race (as opposed to a multi-day stage race like the Tour de France) . The most important (if such a concept has any validity for sporting events; oldest and highest-profile at any rate) classics - the "monuments" of the sport are:

These five formed part of the now-defunct World Cup series, along with:

Others of a comparable standing (the term "semi-classic" is sometimes heard, for this or a slightly lower level):

Turntablerocker's 2001 debut album.

Track listing (approximate length and tempo)

  1. Play It (1'45", 105 bpm)
  2. Stars (5'20", 105 bpm)
  3. Poppin Up (4'12", 90 bpm)
  4. No Melody (4'05", 105 bpm)
  5. Sair Highs (38", 100 bpm)
  6. A Little Funk (3'50", 105 bpm)
  7. Loveaffairs (4'24", 109 bpm)
  8. Shut My Mouth (4'47", 80 bpm)
  9. My Love (4'45", 133 bpm)
  10. Boom (2'31", 95 bpm)
  11. Cause U Like 2 Party (5'10", 105 bpm)
  12. Bazooka (3'55", 105 bpm)
  13. Yo Baby (3'53", 109 bpm)
  14. No Competition (4'56", 116 bpm)
  15. Where U At? (3'30", 92 bpm)
  16. Gimme Some Sound (3'30", 103 bpm)
  17. Two G's (3'06", 97 bpm)

The bpm values are calculated manually using my own imperfect ears and are unreliable at best, unrealistic at worst. You have been warned. I do not plan on noding the lyrics for this album, in case anyone wants to do that.

Classic, apart from its more generalized meaning of something old, tested and having certain artistic qualities, also has a more specific meaning when used to translate the Chinese Ching.

There are many works of Chinese literature, some dating back to before the Han Dynasty, but only 5 of those, the Confucian Canon can properly be referred to with the title of Ching, or classic. Two of these are the I Ching, or Book of Changes and the Shih Ching, or Book of Songs. Not even the Lun Yu, or Conversations of Confucius is referred to as a classic in the strictest sense.

And although I often use the phrase myself, no novel written in Chinese is a "classic novel", since novels are trash, and relativly newfangled, since the earliest Chinese novel, Outlaws of the Marsh, was written 800 years ago, barely yesterday.

When Mac OS X was in development, Apple knew that what they were coding was a very different beast from the classic Mac OS. While Mac OS 9 was not a bad OS, per se, there were obvious limitations which betrayed its age. Its multi-tasking had been added in System 7, being tacked-on as MultiFinder in System 6. Its memory protection was woefully inadequate. Crashes were common. Something had to be done.

Rhapsody, the heavily NeXTSTEP-influenced OS which evolved into Mac OS X, was incompatible with old Mac OS applications. These applications could be ported to Rhapsody using the Carbon API, which was successfully used in the final Mac OS X, but however would it run non-'carbonised' legacy applications? The Mac had a software library spanning back over 15 years, and Apple could hardly toss that all aside.

The solution was what Apple termed the 'Blue Box', in contrast to the 'Yellow Box' which was Rhapsody's own native environment. The Blue Box could be launched on startup, on demand, or when a Mac OS application was launched, and would boot a copy of Mac OS 8 from within Rhapsody in which to run the program. Obviously, this required an installed copy of OS 8 to exist on the system, but if the user needed to use their legacy software, they could from within Rhapsody. One great advantage of this was that, as the Blue Box existed as a process within Rhapsody, it was protected from the rest of the system; if a program running within the Blue Box crashed, instead of taking the entire system with it, it would simply crash the Blue Box.

Rhapsody never shipped, beyond a few Developer Previews, but was instead absorbed into the Mac OS X project. Rhapsody became the code-name for Mac OS X Server 1.0, which was released with the same Platinum appearance theme as Mac OS 8 (and the Rhapsody Developer Previews). Mac OS X continued to be worked on, becoming Apple's next-generation consumer operating system. With Mac OS 9's software library continuing to grow, there was just as big a need for this software to be executable within OS X as before, if not greater. The Blue Box was polished and refined, and was revealed to the world as Classic.

Classic is the Blue Box, but updated to work with Mac OS 9. Or rather, Mac OS 9 is updated to work from within Classic; several key files are added to an OS 9 system folder in order to render it usable. (The process name for Classic reveals its roots, being called the TruBlueEnvironment.) As with Rhapsody, Classic can be asked to launch on log-in, can be manually launched (from either the Classic panel in System Preferences, or by running or will automatically launch when a legacy program is run.

As Classic starts up, it shows a progress bar in a window which disappears as soon as Mac OS 9 has booted. This window can be expanded by clicking the downwards arrow, revealing a scaled window showing the actual OS 9 boot sequence! Starting with the traditional Happy Mac, the boot image will appear (showing the Mac OS version number and the Mac OS smiling faces logo), and INITs will appear at the bottom as they would when booting Mac OS 9 itself. As soon as it has finished loading, this window will disappear and Classic will remove itself from the Dock. (You can keep its icon in the Dock if you wish by clicking and holding on it - you can then select "Keep in Dock" from the resultant menu). If Classic was invoked by running a program, that program will then appear on screen, and if launched from System Preferences can be asked to run without extensions, as if you were booting while holding Shift. The desktop can be rebuilt from here, too.

Programs running within Classic keep their Apple Platinum appearance. The menu bar at the top of the screen will also revert to Apple Platinum, seeing the return of the classic Apple menu and Application Menu which work in exactly the same way as they would under 'true' OS 9. They also appear in the Mac OS X Dock, and can be switched to from there. From the Application menu, you can switch to any currently running program — both those Classic and native OS X. (Switching to the Finder, alas, switches to the Mac OS X finder.) Running Apple System Profiler will show the system to be running whatever version of Mac OS 9 Classic is set to boot from, and will reveal the Gestalt ID and Model Name to be "Classic version x.x" and "Classic Mac OS Compatibility", respectively. (x.x will be the build number of Classic.)

Classic was intended to help the transition from Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X, and is slowly being phased out. Apple no longer ship any computers capable of booting from OS 9 and are removing Mac OS 9 System Folders from their new machines. The classic Mac OS's days are officially over, Steve Jobs having given it a funeral on-stage, and soon will be gone forever — Classic will no longer function on the new, Intel-based Macs which Apple will begin shipping from 2006, nor does it work in Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard).

Clas"sic (?), Clas"sic*al (?),a. [L. classicus relating to the classes of the Roman people, and especially to the frist class; hence, of the first rank, superior, from classis class: cf. F. classique. See Class, n.]


Of or relating to the first class or rank, especially in literature or art.

Give, as thy last memorial to the age, One classic drama, and reform the stage. Byron.

Mr. Greaves may justly be reckoned a classical author on this subject [Roman weights and coins]. Arbuthnot.


Of or pertaining to the ancient Greeks and Romans, esp. to Greek or Roman authors of the highest rank, or of the period when their best literature was produced; of or pertaining to places inhabited by the ancient Greeks and Romans, or rendered famous by their deeds.

Though throned midst Latium's classic plains. Mrs. Hemans.

The epithet classical, as applied to ancient authors, is determined less by the purity of their style than by the period at which they wrote. Brande & C.

He [Atterbury] directed the classical studies of the undergraduates of his college. Macaulay.


Conforming to the best authority in literature and art; chaste; pure; refined; as, a classical style.

Classical, provincial, and national synods. Macaulay.

Classicals orders. Arch. See under Order.


© Webster 1913.

Clas"sic, n.


A work of acknowledged excellence and authrity, or its author; -- originally used of Greek and Latin works or authors, but now applied to authors and works of a like character in any language.

In is once raised him to the rank of a legitimate English classic. Macaulay.


One learned in the literature of Greece and Rome, or a student of classical literature.


© Webster 1913.

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