user since
Sat Jan 6 2001 at 15:05:04 (24.1 years ago )
last seen
Wed Jan 29 2025 at 15:20:32 (1.5 weeks ago )
number of write-ups
378 - View Albert Herring's writeups (feed)
level / experience
17 (Panjandrum) / 16841
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
total quality
sub-editing, languages, bicycles, conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, lying in mission statements
Hughes Communications Limited/Nottingham Law School
Per lor maladizion sì non si perde / che non possa tornar, l'etterno amore,
categories maintained
track cycling
most recent writeup
Send private message to Albert Herring

I'm running World Cup Euro 2012 Twatball again...

For the record, Albert Herring is not my real name, although I've been using it in various places long enough to answer to it.

I am now on the node audit list. These people are on my list for the ritual once-over, when I get a round tuit:

I'm now in charge of the e2cyclists usergroup - /msg me to be added to it if you want to be in on it. Shaven legs are not required - any sort of utility/leisure/sport cycling is within our remit.

Previous homenode pictures include Brian on his side, choughs at the top of the Tre Cime di Lavaredo, a cartoon by ADR (from Another Website), PrincessSpanglyMother aka Mrs Herring, a wet road in Normandy, me and the kid sister on bicycle child seat and in sidecar respectively, and a souvenir of my days as a cyclo-cross rider, a blackmail picture of a noder who has suffered enough not to be named, and the late Addeish Chairman Miao (37d Oriental Red), 16/2/1992-2/9/2004.

In memoriam Tim Hughes, 5/5/34-21/5/02. Thanks for the value system.

Although I've skipped the country, I seem to have been appointed guardian of the new slimline Everything People Registry: Belgium Benelux. Anyone living in the area between Groningen and Esch-sur-Alzette or who thinks they ought to be on it for some other reason, /msg me if you want to be included.

Version: 0.1.2
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As may have already been noted, I have a high proclivity for short factual nodes on subjects that are of little interest to anyone. Some of that is time - I have some longer projects that I just haven't found time for; some are just because some things haven't got anything much more to write about them. Maybe I just don't try hard enough.

For what it may be worth, I upvote good factual writeups, very good fiction and extraordinarily good poetry, and downvote anything that annoys me, a category which tends to include:

  • really obtuse reasoning (not things I disagree with, but writeups that show a complete failure to think things through)
  • ostentatious use of Spivak pronouns and other such jarringly awkward nonsense.
  • writeups that show an incapacity to think outside the boundaries of your nationality/age group/political or religious belief system. Even if you share all of them with me.

I don't use my votes or even my chings up that often. I tend to provide haphazard sub-editing comments for spelling, grammar and usage errors - they're intended to be helpful, hope they are taken as such. One particular area of (more or less) expertise - any non-native English speakers who want their writeups looked over by someone who does that sort of stuff for a living are welcome to /msg me, as is anybody who wants source material they find gisted out of any of my working source languages (Italian, French, Dutch, Portuguese and flaky Spanish), subject to the demands on my time by people who pay me to do such things and the people who have to live with me. Anybody wants to pay me to translate stuff can have our rates on request...

I guess that I can now start a list of noders I have met
I lost count, and I do not wish to cause offence by accidentally missing anyone off. Sloebertje was the primus inter pares though, for the record.

88 Gertrude Road
West Bridgford

+44 115 981 3456
mobile +44 7834 991835
skype: albertherring
ICQ: 100704007
Y!M albertherring
MSN Messenger

Albert Herring quite likes random visitors and postcards (thanks for, um, several received from persons including but not restricted to a scar faery, baffo (the missing greengrocers apostrophe), snips_o_conversation).

I am now Lord of Iqquqakkullukurruk. Cletus says so, it must be true.
No idea what these are about. You tell me.