1. What Wid Ye Do 2. Mick Maguire 3. McDonalds' Raiders 4. Reels: a) Pigeon on the Gate b) The Teetotaler 5. Castle of Dromore 6. Rare Old Mountain Dew 7. Maggie Mae 8. Mama was a Moonshine Man 9. New York Gals 10. The Unicorn 11. Come and Dance to Paddy's Reels 12. Song of the Antrim Coast 13. Jigs: a) The Frost is all Over b) The Rakes of Kildare c) I Will if I Can 14. The Flower of Sweet Strabane 15. The Shores of Americay 16. Maid of Fife-O 17. Summertime is Coming 18. Sweet Jazz Babies 19. Come by the Hills 20. Wasn't that a Party
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