"Sugru is the exciting new self-setting rubber that can be formed by hand. It moulds like play-dough, bonds to almost anything and turns into a strong, flexible silicone rubber overnight."

But it's not so new anymore, the adorable Jane started the process of inventing it in 2003 but it took until 2009 to really hit the market. That was when I pre-ordered my first packets, after reading the blog and rehashes of the "Maker Faires" Jane and crew attended.

Tem42's node Makers led me to search our E2 and to my surprise, no one had noded sugru. The topic of her node also turned out to be quite apropos in my opinion.

I've fixed a dishwasher rack, ear buds, toys, a favorite nail file, my phone case and a piece of my deck using sugru. I love the stuff. I also love the story of the inventor, Jane. She is my modern female hero. She saw a problem and fixed it, literally, and by doing so allows us to fix our own stuff. As she says on her site "the future needs fixing".


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