Suburban village, 5 miles outside of Norwich, Norfolk, UK. It has a river (the Yare) and along with that a boating industry (building and hiring)

Next to the church there is a track which leads down to the railway line, then to the river.

There were apparently Roman remains uncovered in this village, but no-one knows anything about it.

Brundall used to be a relatively rural village, however three major developments ended this. The first would be berryfields. This is a massive housing estate which contains the majority of upper working class to middle class population of brundall. The second development was all the houses in two smaller estates across the road(cucumber lane) from berryfields. They contain the working class population of brundall and a famous hashish dealer. The third and final major development was the Beezer homes(though noone remembers it as the Beezer homes today.) This contains almost exclusively working class peoples and most are scum.

Brundall now offers nothing in particular, other than a river.