Lithic Walkthrough Part 11<------------> Lithic Explanatory Note

21. The Jewel

Panoz will step aside.


You can reach it by that door there. I can talk to you through the PA system.

Head to the door at the far end of the room. This leads to some short stairs that lead to another door. This one is an airlock, so wait for the doors to cycle before entering the Missile Silo.

You’ll need to climb up the ladder to reach the artifact. Panoz will guide you up to it. Once on the catwalk approach the artifact. A cutscene will trigger.

Imi will reach the object, a sort of floating ruby about the size of a fist. She’ll grab it, but it will react with her shield and the resulting explosion will level the chamber.


No! No!

As you falls, you can see the glass from the observation room bust inward as the moreans tear through it. They are followed by a dark cloud.

Imi will pick herself up from the floor as the moreans land next to her and the Shadow joins them.


No more running, bitch.

The Shadow reassembles itself once it touches the floor.


No reason for gendered slurs. She will, after all, be our guest.


I won’t go!


You shall. And I have to thank you for leading me to a most interesting object. Breke, could you go up and get it?

The morean nods and flies up to grab the light. As he draws even with the shattered observation window, a red bolt strikes him from inside the room, and he falls. The other morean cries out and goes over to the corpse.


I was hoping this would go cleanly.

Rachekc sticks her head in through the broken window.


I suppose these dead humans are your doing?



She jumps down and lands close to Imi.


Hi, Imi. You’ve met Iana before?


He wants to give me to those monsters!


It’s just a means to an end.

He stretches a tendril of darkness toward Imi.


What the holy hell have you done to yourself?


No worse than what you’ve done to yourself. Genocide, I hear. How many moreans have you killed?


You’re still moaning about that? Only millions. You hear that you flying freak? If I find out where you’re all hiding, I’ll crush the rest of you.


Imi, come with me and help me stop this madness.


Are you kidding? I’m not siding with either of you. I’m getting out of here!

22. Final Boss

Rachekc starts first by attacking the final morean. He jumps away as the Shadow moves in. It’s not possible to kill the two immortals as they will infinitely respawn if you kill them. The morean can be killed.

The Shadow has much the same attacks as before. Rachekcs has all the same attacks as you do, except far more powerful. Getting killed by either the Shadow or the morean causes you to become incapacitated rather than dead and results in a GAME OVER.

To win you must get up to the artifact. This involves climbing up the shattered walkways and debris. This is very difficult because of the indiscriminate way that the two immortals below are throwing their magic around, and further, once you get above a certain point in the silo, the morean will attack you specifically instead of harassing Rachekc.

Again, the morean doesn’t have ranged attacks, so keep your distance and hit him with Moonlight until his shield breaks then finish him off with either Hammer or Spark.

When he is dead, finish your climb, avoiding all projectiles along the way, and grab the artifact.

Once you have it, all your spells and magic will be supercharged. Drop down, and one shot the fighting immortals with any spell you choose.

23. End

Rachekc and the Shadow are slammed apart by Imi. She holds them both with telekenisis as the power of the crystal runs through her.


Enough! Why fight? Neither of you can destroy each other.


Because I hate her.


Imi, that’s mine. I made it, and I want it NOW!


So you don’t want to destroy it at all? This thing is dangerous.




You want that worthless material thing? Pathetic.


Worthless? It’s a symbol of our… of my… worthless. Right, just a rock.

She weeps.


I’m going now, and don’t follow me.


It’s okay. I’ll find you again some day.


Your mistake then.

Imi turns and holding the crystal high tears a hole in reality to a sunny place with a field of wheat and windmills in the background. She steps through and vanishes. The tear closes. The Shadow stands and bowing to Rachekc says:


I think that’s a fitting conclusion. You know, I think she’ll toss your trinket aside. She’s foolish enough to. I’ll have her once again.


I hate you.


Likewise, and one day I will destroy you.


Please hurry, you son of a bitch.

The scene holds on her eyes full of flames, before fading to Imi who contemplates the artifact in her hands, before dropping it on the ground. She crushes it with her shoe, before walking toward one of the windmills.

The End

Devon Stevens
22 June 2017
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Lithic Walkthrough Part 11<------------> Lithic Explanatory Note