I still haven't made any sort of decision. I do have a wicked long pros and cons list for staying in location one and one for upgrading to location two.

I didn't sleep very well night before last, tossing and turning. Felt like I was contemplating divorce.

Yesterday morning I brought the job description with all my notes on it and put it on the desk in front of my boss's boss (my previous boss). I told her I was asked to apply. If it is what I really want to do she'll give the highest recommendation. But she would rather I stay.

Boss poked his head into my office yesterday afternoon. "Can I get you a soda? Bet they won't offer to get you a soda over there", he jokes. And then he stays to tell me his own experiences with knots in the stomach over a job switch which he did just six months prior to become my boss. "It's not easy giving up the comfortable and going into the unknown. You just have to decide what is best for you and go with that. Don't worry about us, just focus on you. Where do you want to be five years from now? ten? You'll know what to do when you can sleep again"

Didn't sleep very well last night.

the list grows longer

maybe tomorrow I'll reach some decision