I fell asleep in my English class as everyone was giving summaries of the chapters of Frankenstein. This caused me to dream the sequel to Frankenstein. I was Margaret Saville and I was reading Robert Walton's letters to me, only he was talking about his dear Elizabeth. There was going to be a wedding onboard and Victor Frankenstein, played by my friend, Ben, was onboard as a bounty hunter being chased, something to do with the death of Elizabeth (who was now marrying Robert Walton?) The ship was then invaded by a nude man and his crewmates of the Sephora (which was in Conrad's The Secret Sharer). I was mixing up a whole bunch of stories. I put the letter down and I walk outside in some nomad tribe where I see myself burning in effigy. I run into Ben and another boy from my English class, Adam, and they're telling me about this epic they are writing based on Beowulf with a bunch of the characters from Asimov's Foundation Series. The entire thing is in some germanic language (like Old English) and Adam whispers to me that Ben will be kicked out of the credit lines because his writing really sucks. I told him that's a lie, and we laughed at this, but then something happened...

Joseph started doing some impersonations of Frankenstein's monster and I woke up.