user since
Wed Jul 10 2002 at 15:09:41 (22 years ago )
last seen
Fri Jul 18 2014 at 06:21:35 (10 years ago )
number of write-ups
10 - View Cloony's writeups (feed)
level / experience
2 (Acolyte) / 566
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trade winds
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He was extraordinarily thin; his parts fell together and splayed apart like the last few straws in a jar on a hot dog stand -prague by Arthur Phillips

I have completed a thousand cranes. Of this I am extremely proud.

If you wish to offer bits of advice, please feel free to do so. You can send me a /msg, drop me a line at, or fly a little bug in my ear using the name Farliegh.

She rose a SURLY gorgeous goddess
a picture of languid storm s

hooray for magnetic poetry

I wish I had a Vespa, so that I could ride around and go ciao.

I really like bright shiny red mugs.

I hope that I never wear my ignorance as a badge of pride.

Hey! Hey!

Look at me, I'm a sailor now!
